Circle Color Hole 3D: Color Blocksbuster Game

Color Hole 3D is one of those minimalistic high score chasers that everybody loves on mobile. You have to swipe to help a dent around a number of levels, dropping a number of white shapes into it. Accidentally drop a coloured shape in and it’s game over.

While it’s a very simple affair in writing, in practice it really gets quite tricky in the later stages. That’s why we think it is best if you write the following information, that assist all of you progress immediately to earn that all-important high score.

Patience is a Virtue:
Patience could be the name with the game here. Instead of rush around looking to swallow up all the white stuff at once, we suggest making your way slowly throughout the level, gathering the stuff with precision.

Do not Knock Anything Over:
When swiping across the level, make an effort to just be sure you don’t accidentally knock anything over. The white shapes can spill and roll around the level, according to their shape, so that it is difficult to collect them should they go anywhere near coloured shapes. Be mindful and precise when moving about.

Focus on Shapes:
Don’t just mindlessly roll around the arena – take notice of the shapes in the white objects so you can predict how they’ll react once you roll near to them. Standing rectangles might fall under nearby objects, spheres might roll away, an squares probably won’t move.

Color Hole 3D Obeys the Laws of Physics:
The physics are surprisingly attractive in Color Hole 3D, so you can safely expect everything to behave as it will in the real world. You need to use that to your advantage by luring colours away from white blocks, for instance.

Keep an Eye Out For Hidden Coloured Shapes:
Coloured shapes can hide in plain sight, including on tops of or behind white shapes. Additionally, there are really small coloured shapes that nearly blend in with the scenery. Keep a close eye out.

Check out about Color Hole 3D view this website.

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