Rational Website Design Usability Approaches

If you really want to make a mark in online business, then you have to make sure your site design is up to par. Think about what you do – when you hit a website as a first time visitor, what do you think about or feel? The design of the website is visual and has imagery, and that is the first thing that helps to create our opinions and feelings. If you are in business on the net, then your site has to at least not turn people off or make them run away as soon as they land. So we will cover a few of the important website design topics that will make some kind of impact on your visitors.

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Let’s talk about usability and mention the virtues of using the spell checker for your content. Think about the impression you get from a site that has a lot of words with typos. Just about everyone has a word processor of some kind, and just take five seconds to check your copy before signing off on it. But maybe it all depends on your audience because some are obviously less caring than others. So just bite the bullet and get it done because in the end it will help you.

Other very important aspects when designing your page pertain less to graphics and more to legal disclaimers and privacy statements. The way things are anymore on the net, you really have to make sure you are protected concerning your sites. If you ever check your server logs, you will see that people click on the links and spend time reading the documents. These pages are important in other areas such as PPC advertising and SEO because the search engines look for them.

Any time you place graphics on your site, be sure to fill out the alt tag in the HTML. You really should think about people with disabilities such as those with vision problems. By filling out the alt tag with a primary or secondary keyword phrase, you will score a few points. This is just a little SEO thing that people do with them, and that may or may not apply to you. All your Alt tags should contain your primary keywords that perfectly describe the images. Any time you have a graphic, including your header if there are pictures in it, then you really should fill out the alt tag. The evolution of your website design always occurs, so just remember that the work is potentially never totally finished. On the other hand, there is the saying that if it is not broke, then don’t fix it.
For more information about Riverfront Media Group Web Design see this popular web page: web link